Over the last year, my wife Summer and I have faced a difficult journey to parenthood. We sadly lost an unborn baby not long after conception, and due to complications from that experience, we ultimately turned to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to help us conceive. We are thankful that Summer is now pregnant with our perfect baby, due May 2022! During the IVF process, we both learned a lot about the miracle of conception and life. In this journey, I learned at just 6 DAYS after conception, the gender of our baby was already able to be detected. And at our first ultrasound (at 6 WEEKS) that our baby already had a strong heartbeat! Each week, we read an update about our baby on an app Summer has on her phone, and it is amazing to read how our baby has developed over the previous week. Although our baby has not been born into this world yet, it is still very much alive and very much a human being with a full life to live. There is no doubt that life is precious and must be protected. As your state senator, I will do everything I can to protect the unborn babies of our state.